When weighted for turnout (Table 8), the poll suggests just 5% of Londoners plan to give him their first preference votes next Thursday – less than will back the Green Party’s Jenny Jones.
As if polling lower than the Greens wasn’t bad enough, this vote share would place Paddick within a few thousand votes of losing his deposit.
In January Paddick defended his then 7% poll rating saying:
“The fact is, London Liberal Democrats have not really started our media campaign yet. We have not made any formal policy launches and we have some radical and innovative policy ideas that we honestly believe will capture London voters’ imaginations.”
We’re a now a week before polling and his rating is even lower.
What’s worse is that only Boris Johnson, Ken Livingstone and Paddick were prompted responses meaning 6% of respondents named Jones of their own accord while the questioner mentioned the other three to them.
It’s true that Paddick is polling higher in other surveys but a number of his supporters, and even some of his Assembly candidates, have been busy making much of this poll so presumably they accept its findings?