Tory mayoral candidate Zac Goldsmith has claimed that the fares policy and ministerial record of Labour rival Sadiq Khan pose a threat to some concessionary travel schemes enjoyed by older Londoners.
Martin Hoscik
Greenhalgh or Lister – which of Boris’s deputies should run for Mayor?
Speculation about who might replace Boris as Mayor has largely focused on Labour’s candidate but in recent weeks there’s been signs of that the Tories also might bother to field a runner.
Boris is making his water cannon decision based on public ignorance and contradictory evidence
Boris’s decision to buy three water cannon for the Met is based on a poll which reveals large numbers of respondents know nothing about the topic while he and the force disagree about who has the final say over their use.
MOPAC makes developers pay a hefty price to snap up former police stations
Of 12 Met Police properties sold since April, just two went for under £1m while four each brought in between £3.2m and £3.4m. Could MOPAC’s detractors find themselves saying sorry?
After 13 years of broken promises full transparency must finally come to City Hall
Whenever over the past few years I’ve grumbled about the difficulty of getting hold of some piece of information or other, there’s come an immediate and predictable rant from his critics that this is yet more evidence of poor behaviour by Boris and his team. But in truth calls for greater Mayoral transparency are as […]