LibDem MP Ed Davey’s suggestion that fellow MP Lembit Opik would “make a much better mayor than Boris Johnson or Ken Livingstone” has to be one of the most depressing developments possible for anyone who views the challenges facing London as even remotely serious.
Neither Boris Johnson (the most likely Tory candidate) nor Opik represent London seats in Parliament and Opik was rejected by almost three quarters of LibDem members when he stood for Party President just three years ago. Now we have the prospect of some of those same members offering to London a man they didn’t want.
Can the calibre of politicians in their ranks really be so poor that the best either of Britain’s national opposition parties can offer is someone best known for being mildly amusing on Have I Got News For You?
Just perhaps that thought wouldn’t be so depressing if they were offering the show’s A-listers Ian Hislop and Paul Merton who at least benefit from being genuinely funny and famous.
That both parties, wallowing in a feigned constitutional ignorance and challenging daily Gordon Brown to call an early General Election with all the associated promise of offering the electorate something better, can only suggest a pair of part-time clowns for such an important role is nothing to find amusing.