It’s always interesting to see Tories attacking Mayor Livingstone. Today Tory Party leader David Cameron, clearly still on his mission to convince us the party has changed, attacks Livingstone’s approach to race relations.
Speaking at the Ethnic Media conference Cameron accused the Mayor of wanting to confine the debate on race and equality to “a narrative about race that sees people from ethnic minorities as potential agents of revolutionary change.”
It’s nice to see the party leadership finally recognise the need for a debate. That marks a welcome change from their constant attempts in the 1980’s and 90’s to silence any discussion of multi-culturism by labeling advocates of equality as “looney left”.
Cameron’s right that the debate should not take the form of “old Marxist clichés” but he’ll have a more credible voice on the subject when the Conservative record on championing equality is as long as the current Mayor’s.
Platitudes and headline grabbing speeches are all well and good but Cameron will soon need to start delivering on his pledges. He should start by addressing the shameful lack of any Conservative ethnic minority members on the London Assembly.
Update: Ken Livingstone has written an article for Comment is Free on this topic.