UKIP has announced candidates for this year’s London Assembly elections.
They will stand for the proportional London-wide list which allocates eats based on the number of votes a party receives across London.
The party won two seats on the Assembly at the 2004 election but lost them after its AMs formed One London which failed to win any seats at the 2008 election.
The 11 are:
Steven Woolfe
David Coburn
Lawrence Webb,
Helen Dixon
Elizabeth Jones
Paul Oakley
Jeff Bolter
Mick McGough
Winston McKenzie
Peter Staveley
Mazhar Manzoor.
Mr Webb is also the party’s candidate for Mayor of London.
Announcing the list UKIP leader Nigel Farage said: “We have a strong and vibrant list of candidates which clearly demonstrates that UKIP is offering voters in the capital a fresh choice when it comes to London politics.
“People are fed up of the same old faces and empty promises.
“UKIP is known for challenging the status quo and asking those awkward questions and this is exactly what our London Assembly Members will do if elected.”