Transport for London has announced that Embassy of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has agreed that their London based diplomats will in future pay the Congestion Charge.
Officials have also reached a deal with TfL to clear a backlog of charges.
Welcoming the move Mayor of London Ken Livingstone said: “All Londoners will welcome this settlement with the Embassy of the United Arab Emirates and, in particular, their commitment to comply with the Congestion Charging scheme in the future.”
The Mayor also contrasted the move with the ongoing refusal of the US Embassy in London to pay the charge.
“Those embassies, such as that of the United States, which flout the laws of this country and misuse diplomatic immunity to evade the charge are enjoying the benefits of reduced congestion but contributing nothing.”
“I hope they will now take a leaf from the United Arab Emirates and understand that as the richest and most powerful country in the world they can well afford to respect this country’s laws.”