19 London councils have been awarded top marks in a report published by the Audit Commission.
The 2008 Comprehensive Performance Assessments (CPA) report, which measures the quality of services provided by councils across England, saw 19 London councils achieve the highest rating of four stars.
Of the capital’s 33 local authorities, a total of thirty boroughs received three or four star ratings.
The figures have been welcomed by London Councils, the body which represents all local authorities in the capital. Chairman Merrick Cockell, said: “These figures just go to show the great strides being taken by London’s boroughs to ensure that every member of our community receives the best possible services.”
The 2008 Assessment is the final such report, from 2009 local authorities will be measured under the Comprehensive Area Assessment which officials say will have “more of a user-focus” and involve “less on-site activity by inspectorates”.