On Tuesday the Budget and Performance Committee will meet to question Mayoral Advisor Nicholas Griffin on savings at the GLA’s functional bodies and at City Hall. They will also discuss the cost of the new london.gov.uk website with GLA Chief Executive Leo Boland.
Also on Tuesday the Audit Panel will meet to discuss the Draft Corporate Governance Action Plan, review internal and external audit reports and receive the Annual Governance Statement.
Wednesday morning will see Mayor Boris Johnson answering questions from Assembly Members. In the afternoon the Budget Monitoring Sub-Committee will question London Development Agency Chief Executive Sir Peter Rogers and Director of Finance Angie Ridgwel about the LDA’s future and the cost of transferring land to the Olympic Park Legacy Company.
On Thursday the Assembly Environment Committee will hear from Neale Coleman, Director of Olympic Co-ordination, GLA and representatives from a number of organisations about plans “to make the staging of the 2012 Games the most sustainable yet”.
Dates and Times:
Tuesday 13 July 2010
Budget and Performance Committee – 10am in Committee Room 5
Audit Panel – 3.30pm in Committee Room 5
Wednesday 14 July 2010
Mayor’s Question Time – 10am in the Chamber
Budget Monitoring Sub-Committee – 2.30pm in the Chamber
Thursday 15 July 2010
Environment Committee – 10am in Committee Room 5