At Tuesday’s meeting AMs will also hear from Oliver Schick, Chair of Campaign Policy Committee, London Cycling Campaign and Gina Harkell, Joint Chair, London Boroughs Cycling Officers Group.
On the same day the Assembly’s Budget and Performance Committee will publish its report on the finances of the Olympic legacy.
On Wednesday Morning Mayor of London Boris Johnson faces the full Assembly for the regular Mayor’s Question Time session.
In the afternoon the Assembly’s Planning and Housing Committee will question senior figures from the Homes and Communities Agency, London Borough of Southwark and South East London Housing Partnership on whether targets for family-sized homes should be increase.
Thursday will see AMs on the Budget and Performance Committee l question Robert Quick, former Metropolitan Police Assistant Commissioner for Specialist Operations as part of an ongoing investigation into the potential impact of spending cuts on front line policing.
On Friday the Health and Public Services Committee will publish its report on the impact of the 2012 Games on London’s health and emergency services.
Tuesday 12 October 2010
Transport Committee – 10am in Committee Room 5
Wednesday 13 October 2010
Mayor’s Question Time – 10am in the Chamber
Planning and Housing Committee – 2.30pm in Committee Room 5
Thursday 14 October 2010
Budget and Performance Committee – 10am in Committee Room 5