Transport for London drew up the plans after earlier consultations showed strong public support for schemes which would make local streets safer.
In Wandsworth the proposals would see the existing gyratory removed and traffic routed away from the town centre by making Armoury Way two-way.
Through traffic would bypass the high street by using Putney Bridge Road, Armoury Way, Swandon Way and Trinity Road, allowing some sections of the high street to be made bus and cycle only.
Pedestrians would benefit from additional crossings, making it safer and easier to enjoy the growing range of retailers in the high street and nearby shopping centre.
Local London Assembly member Richard Tracey said today’s proposals “have the potential to deliver massive benefits” for local residents but said many were concerned that shifting traffic could “create rat runs.”
He added: “Work is still required to ensure that they don’t represent one step forward and two steps back.”
In Vauxhall TfL is planning to return the current one-way traffic system to two-way and improve pedestrian and cyclist facilities, including introducing segregated cycle lanes and signalised cycle crossings.
In addition the bus station would be redesigned to fit in with the new two-way traffic and provide weather cover, public toilets, and an information kiosk.
Both schemes have been developed in partnership with the local councils who will provide funding and support.
Cllr Jack Hopkins, Lambeth’s Cabinet member for Jobs & Growth, said: “Vauxhall’s great potential as a thriving riverside town centre has been thwarted for years by traffic.
“We’ve worked closely with local people and TfL and know there is wide support for the proposal to remove the gyratory.
“It would make it safer for pedestrians and cyclists and improve this area which is at the heart of regeneration and investment, bringing homes, jobs and business opportunities.”
Publishing both consultations Mayor of London, Boris Johnson, said: “In my 2012 manifesto, I made a major commitment to improve London’s roads, making them safer and better for all road users.
“The huge improvements TfL is proposing in removing the Vauxhall and Wandsworth gyratories are a significant part of our £4billion roads programme and will transform both locations.”
Leon Daniels, TfL’s Managing Director of Surface Transport, added: “The proposals have already been well supported by the public, and now we, and the local boroughs, are asking for feedback on the finer details.
“When finished, both these areas would be transformed for shoppers, visitors, pedestrians and cyclists.”