Transport for London have launched a new and hard hitting road safety campaign aimed at London’s teenagers.
A series of three posters have been designed to warn teens of the dangers they face every day on the Capital’s roads and feature the line “Don’t die before you’ve lived” and the message “Every day a teenager is killed or seriously injured on London’s roads”.
They are the latest phase of the “Shattered Lives” campaign by TfL, which began in November 2006 with the launch of a cinema ad, and will extend to radio and TV advertising in March.
Ken Livingstone, Mayor of London, said: “Road safety is improving in London, because we are spending more money on doing the things which we know save lives.
“The number of children killed or seriously injured on our roads has fallen by 58 per cent compared with the late 1990s.
The three different ads feature a future football player, high jumper and lead ballerina flying through the air after stepping out into the path of a moving car.
Jenny Jones, the Mayor’s Road Safety Ambassador, said: “Shattered lives is a warning about broken dreams and loss” adding that “every time a young person is run over, our world loses a bit of its future.”