A new housing scheme backed by Transport for London and Grainger plc’s Connected Living London initiative which will deliver 139 new rental homes in Kennington has been given the go-ahead.
The development will be built on land currently being used to facilitate construction of the Northern Line Extension and includes a mix of studio, one, two and three-bedroom properties, 40 per cent of which will be available at affordable rent levels.
Being located just 10 minutes’ walking distance of Vauxhall, Kennington and Oval stations means the new homes will offer residents good public transport links.
TfL says the development will “incorporate sustainability throughout its design” through the inclusion of solar panels, roof gardens, biodiverse roofs, hedges and bird boxes.
In addition to the new homes, the site will offer more than 2,700 sqm of light industrial space.
Ben Tate, Head of Build to Rent at Transport for London, said: “It’s brilliant to be given the go-ahead for the first of our schemes in Lambeth, building on the success of our scheme at Southall.
“Our scheme at Montford Place is a truly mixed-use development. It will provide new rental homes that are desperately needed and will contribute to the local economy by delivering a significant amount of great commercial space that will enable business to flourish.”
Mike Keaveney, Director of Land and Development, Grainger plc said “This is another great milestone for Connected Living London and will see the delivery of much needed quality rental homes for people in Lambeth.
“We look forward to seeing this vibrant new mixed-use community brought to life.”