Labour mayoral candidate Sadiq Khan has called on Ministers to introduce a diesel scrappage scheme to help clean up London’s air.
Diesel emissions are responsible for as much as 40% of pollution in the capital’s air which is currently in breach of European Union rules.
Mr Khan says the Government should heed the calls of MPs on the cross-party Environmental Audit Committee who last year called for financial assistance for private and commercial drivers to replace their vehicles with a new, cleaner, model.
He also accused outgoing Mayor Boris Johnson of a “lack of action” on the issue.
Ahead of a Mayoral hustings organised by the Green Alliance, Mr Khan said: “We need urgent action, and that means tackling emissions directly from vehicles on London’s roads.
“The Government should urgently consider a scrappage scheme, by providing financial support to those with the most polluting diesel vehicles to help replace them with cleaner, greener vehicles.”