Sadiq Khan is facing 19 rivals for the Mayoralty at this year’s election which takes place on Thursday 6th May.
The contest was originally meant to be held last year but was delayed due to the pandemic, giving Mr Khan and London Assembly members an additional year in office.
Those elected this year will have a three-year term, reduced from the normal four.
Ahead of polling day each of London’s 6 million registered voters will receive a booklet containing a ‘mini manifesto’ from the 17 Mayoral candidates who paid the statutory £10,000 fee to be included, the full list of Assembly candidates, and information about how to vote.
This year the count will be held over two days starting on Friday 7th May and continuing on to Saturday 8 May.
Greater London Returning Officer, Mary Harpley, said: “The Mayor and the London Assembly hold important and powerful roles. The winning Mayoral candidate will be responsible for issues that affect every Londoner – from transport and policing, to housing and the environment.
“2016 saw a then-record number of 12 Mayoral candidates. This year, there will be 20, the largest number yet.
“It’s up to Londoners to make a decision on who will run the capital for the next three years.
“Our website www.londonelects.org.uk tells you everything you need to know about these elections and what the Mayor and London Assembly Members are responsible for. Remember also to look out for the booklet coming through your letter box in April.”
The full list of candidates is:
Shaun Bailey – Conservative Party Candidate
Kam Balayev – Renew
Sian Berry – Green Party
Count Binface – Count Binface For Mayor Of London
Valerie Brown – The Burning Pink Party
Piers Corbyn – Let London Live
Max Fosh – Independent
Laurence Fox – The Reclaim Party
Peter Gammons – Ukip
Richard Hewison – Rejoin Eu
Vanessa Hudson – Animal Welfare Party – People, Animals, Environment
Steve Kelleher – Social Democratic Party
Sadiq Khan – Labour Party
David Kurten – Heritage Party
Farah London – Independent
Nims Obunge – Independent
Niko Omilana – Independent
Luisa Porritt – Liberal Democrats
Mandu Reid- Vote Women’s Equality Party On Orange
Brian Rose – London Real Party