The One London Party has d called on London Mayor Ken Livingstone to abandon his plans to help introduce a £15 ‘carbon tax’ on every plane ticket out of Britain claiming it poses a risk to London’s tourism industry.
According to figures from the International Passenger Survey, overseas visits to London last year grew by 9.4 per cent reaching a record total of 15.2 million and an increase in spending the capital, which rose from £7.5 billion in 2005 to £7.8 billion.
Leader of One London Damian Hockney said his party were “particularly pleased with the news that London tourism is increasing and boosting London’s economy, since it comes at a time when more and more businesses are choosing to locate outside central London due to the congestion charge.”
Mr Hockney said the increase in overseas visitors to the capital had come “as a result of the explosion of cheap international flights in recent years, particularly those to and from Europe by pioneers like Ryanair. But these are the very things the Mayor is threatening.”
“Ken Livingstone has spoken many times of his intention to hit the aviation industry hard, but he has also welcomed these figures in the growth of visits to Britain. How can he lobby the government to introduce a £15 tax on every airline ticket sold in the UK, while welcoming the news of the increase in numbers of visitors?”
“It’s time the Mayor learned that you can help London businesses and attract tourists, or you can increase airport taxes. You can’t do both.”