Seven North London boroughs have launched a new consultation to to establish residents’ views on waste management and the environment.
The six week consultation will seek resident’s views on issues ranging from the types of facilities that should be used to treat the 1million tonnes of north London’s waste through to environmental impacts such as climate change and air quality.
The North London Joint Waste Strategy has been dveloped by Barnet, Camden, Enfield, Islington, Hackney, Haringey and Waltham Forest and the North London Waste Authority (NLWA) and sets out the framework for meeting the challenge of managing waste in north London up to 2020.
According to Andrew Lappage, Head of Waste Strategy for the North London Waste Authority, explains, current financial and environmental impacts “are not sustainable and we need to find an alternative to landfill – a long-term cost effective solution for managing our waste”
“This consultation forms part of a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) which identifies and assesses the likely environmental impacts of the draft North London Joint Waste Strategy and makes recommendations for changes to reduce them.”
The consultation is open until the start of June and residents in the seven boroughs can take part via the NLWA’s website.