The public should have greater access to information on how efficiently their council is being run, according to ministers.
Local Government Minister John Healey said he wanted “ensure that local people will be able to see for themselves how efficiently their council is run, and to be able to challenge their council if it is under-performing.”
Mr Healey made his comments last week as he launched a new consultation on proposals which could see council tax bills including details of any savings the council made in the previous financial year and the average projected savings by similar types of councils.
With central government calling on local authorities to make £5bn of savings over the next three years, Healey said “this is a big challenge but am confident it can be achieved – particularly if council tax payers are involved. They rightly expect improving services and better value for money and should be entitled to know how their council is performing when they receive their bills on their doormat.”
The government’s consultation document can be found at: