The officers will be deployed on Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights as part of Operation Trafalgar.
The Met will also deploy road-side check points equipped with ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) and clamp down own illegal traders.
Look-out posts will also be set up at key locations to enable police to spot thieves and trouble-makers in crowds and busy streets.
Officers from the Transport for London funded MPS Safer Transport Command (STC) will provide additional high-visibility policing on buses serving the West End.
MPS Assistant Commissioner of Territorial Policing, Simon Byrne, said the operation “builds on recent work we have been doing in Westminster to put significantly greater numbers of police officers on patrol at key times during the evenings where we have had problems in terms of violence and disorder.”
AC Byrne added: “Whether you are out late at night shopping, going to the pubs, clubs or simply enjoying a summer’s evening out on the streets and squares of the West End, we want to make sure we are part of a positive experience for Londoners and visitors, and are working closely with our partners, including Westminster City Council, to bring our total war on crime to life.”