In a document setting out the development opportunities in the area, the pair say redevelopment of the area “is now an absolute priority” for their respective administrations.
Today’s document sets out how the area can capitalise on existing developments in the area including the ExCeL Exhibition Centre and London City Airport as well as the arrival of Crossrail in 2017.
The Mayors also say the nearby O2 and Canary Wharf make the docks an ideal business and leisure destination.
Mayor of London Boris Jonson said the vision was “another important part of the jigsaw that will see the regeneration of east London” but cautioned there was “still much work to be done to reverse the decline of this important part of our city.”
Describing the docks as “a development area the size of Venice with 12 miles of dock and river edge”, Sir Robin said: “The area will play a major part in the excitement of London 2012 and we want to use that excitement to attract new investment, new jobs, new homes and new people.”
“In regeneration terms the Royals have seen many false dawns. They are a diamond waiting to be polished.”
The Royal Docks Vision Document can be downloaded from the London Development Agency website.