Ken Livingstone may have thought he was striking a blow for English patriotism when he announced plans to fund a £100,000 St George’s Day celebration. However his closest challengers in the June election, LibDem Simon Hughes and Tory Steve Norris, have attacked his plans.
Mr Hughes has accused the Mayor of using public money to win votes, saying “Londoners must ask if this is a way of spending money on a re-election bid.”
Meanwhile the Tory Challenger has accused the Mayor of not spendng enough claiming “Ken spent lots on St Patrick’s Day but next to nothing on St George’s.”
The GLA is supporting a free performance by English traditional dancers in Covent Garden, the traditional wreath laying ceremony at the Cenotaph by cadets of the Royal Society of St George, and is financing a special section of the Visit London website devoted to advertising other events taking place on St George’s Day.
UKIP Mayoral candidate Frank Maloney is hosting a dinner at the New Connaught Rooms in Holborn on Thursday 22nd April.
Mr Maloney “We will be celebrating English achievements. Alan Ball from the 1966 World Cup winning squad will be speaking along with the guest of honour boxer Michael Watson. There will be an East End comedian, English music, a raffle and an auction for sporting and other goods. It should be a fun interesting night and I hope it will become an annual event.”