Ken Livingstone will present his 2007/08 Draft Consolidated Budget to the London Assembly when he appears at today’s Mayor’s Question Time session.
Under the 1999 Greater London Authority Act the Mayor is required to present the Draft Consolidated Budget to Assembly Members at a public meeting of the Assembly.
Mayor Livingstone will face questions from Assembly Members on the 5 sections of the draft budget and AMs will consider the comments of Assembly Budget Committee to budget proposals published for consultation on 15 December 2006.
This report contains the Budget Committee’s analysis of the Mayor’s budget proposals for 2007/08, based on evidence taken from the functional bodies and the core GLA during the budget development and consultation processes. It highlights the key issues raised during the Committee’s deliberations, and offers comments to the Mayor on his consultation budget.
Members will be asked to vote on a substantive motion “to approve the Draft Consolidated Budget for 2007/08, together with the draft component budgets comprised within it, with or without amendment.”