The Mayor of London Ken Livingstone today published his pandemic flu response plan for the Greater London Authority group.
The plan outlines how anti-viral drugs will be made available to ensure essential services – the Greater London Authority, Transport for London, the Metropolitan Police Authority, the Metropolitan Police Service, the London Development Agency and the London Fire and Emergency Planning Authority – continue to run in the event of a pandemic in London and follows the Mayor’s decision last year to purchase £1 million of anti-viral drugs.
Speaking at his weekly press conference yesterday Mr Livingstone said he had “a duty to ensure as much as possible, the smooth running of London in any situation and the pandemic flu response plan is an important part of this.”
“Any pandemic could have a severe impact on the economic and social life of a city. So it is essential to equip the men and women who keep Londoners safe and keep the capital moving, with a plan that clearly outlines the necessary steps to protect key services”
Key features of the Greater London Authority Group plan include:
- A command and control structure to implement the plan and ensure vital services continue to operate in the capital.
- Anti-viral drugs held at a central medical store and released in line with agreed protocol and daily assessment of demand.
- Occupational health staff to assess symptoms over the telephone before any Tamiflu drugs are distributed.
- A number of hubs set up to distribute the drugs to Greater London Authority group staff.
- A system of supply chain management set up to replenish stocks at each of the hubs, in line with demand.
- Once a pandemic strain is identified, detailed advice made available to reduce the impact of the pandemic.