Ken Livingstone has joined forces with British Gas to offer Londoners cut price insulation for their homes.
London’s Green Homes Programme is being launched today with substantial savings for household insulation, with cut-price cavity wall insulation from £250 and loft insulation from £274.
Each household that signs up for the offer will receive £100 cash back when the work has been completed and interest free credit will be available and for most households.
The offer is open to every household across London that is suitable for the scheme and is free to those that are on a wide of benefits including Income Support, Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit.
Urging Londoners to participate in the scheme Mr Livingstone said “those who do will see their energy bills cut and will be helping to minimise London’s contribution to climate change.”
To take up offer to contact the helpline on 0845 070 5059 or for further information go to