London’s Lord Mayor is leading a delegation to Hyderabad, Mumbai and Delhi this week “to further strengthen links between the UK and India.”
During his visit Lord Mayor Ian Luder will meet key policy makers, ministers, regulators and business leaders and discuss opportunities for increased interaction in the insurance, banking and legal sectors.
Speaking ahead of his trip, the Lord Mayor said: “On this visit I will reassure Indian policy makers that the UK’s commitment to India remains strong, that our companies want to do business in India and that the City of London remains India’s natural partner in global finance and business, despite the unprecedented events of the last year. We are here for the long term.”
Luder said he would ” discuss with policy makers how global cooperation on regulatory reform can best be harnessed to ensure the financial turmoil that we have experienced over the last year is not repeated, and how important it is to resist unilateral action and fight protectionism wherever it occurs.”