From the sources of the Fleet to the mouth of the Effra in Vauxhall, via the meander of the Westbourne through ‘Knight’s Bridge’ and the Tyburn’s curve along Marylebone Lane, London’s Lost Rivers promises to unearth the hidden waterways that flow beneath the streets of the capital.
Author Paul Talling looks at how the rivers has helped shape the city by forming borough boundaries or giving way to to railways, roads and sewers.
Armed with his camera, he traces their routes and reveals their often overlooked remains: riverside pubs on the Old Kent Road, healing wells in King’s Cross, ‘stink pipes’ in Hammersmith and gurgling gutters on streets across the city.
Publishers Random House say the book will bring to life a “very different London” which lies beneath our feet though over 100 colour photographs and maps.
London’s Lost Rivers is published on May 12th and can be pre-ordered from