The events are being led by Stephen Greenhalgh, Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime and head of the Mayor’s Office for Policing And Crime (MOPAC).
They’ll also be attended by senior Met Police officers, including Simon Byrne, Assistant Commissioner for Territorial Policing.
Deputy Mayor Greenhalgh says he hopes Londoners will use the events to feedback their views on neighbourhood policing since the capital’s new Police and Crime Plan came into effect last year.
The Plan has seen the closure of police stations and public front counters as part of efforts to ensure as many officers as possible are patrolling the capital’s streets.
Speaking at City Hall on Tuesday, Mayor Boris Johnson said he believed high visibility policing was an important part of tackling the fear of crime.
Mr Greenhalgh hosted public meetings in each of the capital’s boroughs as part of the the public consultation on the crime plan.
Ahead of tonight’s meeting in Merton, he said: “Last year’s public town hall meetings were incredibly valuable and helped us improve our plan by listening to local views. Overwhelmingly, Londoners told us that they preferred to see resources invested in more bobbies instead of buildings.
“This year I want to visit boroughs and hear how these reforms are working in practice and about other public safety concerns people may have.
“In addition to discussing local policing, I’m keen to share with Londoners the latest crime and confidence numbers for their neighbourhood so everyone has a clearer picture of where the challenges are.”
AC Byrne added: “We are on a journey and still have some way to go, but these meetings offer us the chance to explain the progress we have already made.
“Local police leaders will join me to explain how policing has changed, what current performance looks like, and what service people can expect from their police.”
Dates of meetings and details on how to register can be found on the MOPAC website.