There are seven candidates standing for Mayor including front runners Boris Johnson (Conservative) and Ken Livingstone (Labour).
Other candidates are: Brian Paddick (Liberal Democrat), Jenny Jones (Green), Lawrence Webb (UKIP – Fresh Choice for London), Siobhan Benita (independent) and Carlos Cortiglia (British National Party).
London Elects has also announced the 123 candidates standing for the Assembly’s 11 London-wide seats. A full list of candidates is available here.
The names of the the candidates standing for the 14 Constituency Member seats on the London Assembly are being announced by the relevant Constituency Returning Officer. A list of confirmed candidates is available here.
“The Mayor and the London Assembly are important and powerful roles. The winning candidates will be responsible for issues that affect everyone in London,” said Greater London Returning Officer, John Bennett.
“We’ve now announced the list of official candidates, and now it is up to the 5.8million Londoners who are eligible to vote to make a decision on who will run the capital for the next four years.
“Our website has lots of information on who is standing in your area and what the Mayor and London Assembly Members are responsible for, to help voters make up their mind.
“Voters should get on now and also look out for the booklet coming through their letter box in April.”