London’s boroughs are set to participate in Adult Learners’ Week 2008 which takes place between 17th to 23rd May.
Over the past two years Adult Learners’ Week in London has been supplemented with an additional project funded by the London Development Agency, concentrating on raising the profile of learning tasters in the vocational skills area.
As well as local Councils the week is being supported the Central London Learning Partnership, the BBC, the South London Learning Partnership, the London Libraries Development Agency, the Government Office for London, City Lit, the Workers’ Educational Association (WEA), UfI, and the Museums, Libraries and Archives.
In Croydon during the week there will be a number of drop-in information sessions at libraries across the borough including visits from the Active Lifestyles team to promote healthy living.
Libraries in the borough will be offering free ‘Introduction to the Internet and Email’ taster sessions.
Croydon’s cabinet member for culture and sport, Councillor Steve Hollands, said: “Adult Learners’ Week is all about celebrating and raising awareness of the fact that we all learn everyday, often without realising it. Whether you want to gain new skills or qualifications to get a promotion at work, or want to learn more about a subject you’re interested in, why not use the week as the trigger to get you into adult learning?”
Hammersmith and Fulham Council will be running taster sessions on Cookery, languages, painting, dressmaking, yoga, healthy eating and IT.
Cllr Antony Lillis, Cabinet Member for Community and Children’s Services, said: “Adult Learners’ Week is a chance for residents, regardless of their age or background, to find out how they can learn new skills, improve their career prospects or simply have fun and meet new people. I hope as may people attend the sessions as possible.”
For information on activities in your area visit the Adult Learners’ Week website at