Freedom Pass holders will continue to be able to use their cards on London train services after London’s boroughs agreed a four year deal with train operators.
London Councils, the pan-London body which operates the Freedom Pass on behalf of councils in the capital, says it has concluded a four-year deal with the Association of Train Operating Companies (ATOC) which secures access to trains for pass holders until 2015.
Under the agreement London’s boroughs will pay the train operating companies £17.9million for the 2011/12 financial year with the amount rising by the retail price index plus 1.75 per cent over the following three years.
London Councils says this annual increase is likely to be lower than fare increases during the same period which are expected to be RPI + 3% each year.
Chair of London Councils’ Transport and Environment Committee, Councillor Catherine West said: “We have driven a hard bargain with the Association of Train Operating Companies to secure the best possible deal which guarantees concessionary travel on the railways in London for the next four years.
“The Freedom Pass, paid for by London’s boroughs, is the most comprehensive concessionary travel scheme in the country. Many older and disabled people rely on the Freedom Pass to maintain their independence – without it they would not go out as often.”
Freedom Pass holders are entitled to use their pass after 9.30am on most train services but can use the Transport for London operated London Overground service 24 hours a day.