Mayor Livingstone has revealed his latest anti-crime initiative: “arresting people for spitting and dropping litter”
In a move certain to win the approval of hardline Home Secretary David Blunkett, the Labour Mayor told BBC Radio London that he would be instructing Police and Community Wardens to get tough with spitters, litter bugs and bus queue jumpers.
Livingstone said that most people would prefer to live in a more civilised city “even if we have to pay fines” to achieve it.
Although MayorWatch supports sensible initiatives to reduce crime and anti-social behaviour we have to question whether Ken’s stated priorities reflect those of ordinary Londoners who face a huge surge in council tax and a 7.5% increase in the Mayor’s precept.
Correction: Earlier versions of this article referred to a 17.5% increase in the Mayor’s Precept. This was in fact a typing error and the correct figure is 7.5%.