Boris Johnson will present his final draft consolidated budget to London Assembly Members tomorrow (Wednesday 10th February) with Labour AMs expected to vote against the £14 billion budget in protest at planned cuts in police numbers.
When AMs last questioned the Mayor over his budget there was criticism from both Liberal Democrat and Labour AMs over budget proposals which will see the number of police officers decrease by 455 during the Mayor’s term of office.
Labour’s alternative budget proposed cutting the Met’s press budget, a move the party says would enable the Mayor to avoid slashing the numbers of officers on the street.
John Biggs, Labour’s budget spokesman and deputy leader on the Assembly, said: “Boris was elected on a manifesto of leading and protecting the police but he is planning to cut almost 500 officers and is slashing their funding. These are real, painful cuts for boroughs to absorb and beg the question whether community policing in London is safe in the hands of the Tories. A reduction in the Met’s publicity budget would be enough to reverse the cuts this year.”
AMs from all parties will question the Mayor on his final draft budget and will have the opportunity to approve or amend it. By law any amendments must secure the backing of at least two-thirds of Assembly Members.
The meeting will take place on Wednesday 10 February at 10am at City Hall and will be webcast via the website.