Ken Livingstone has been talking to local residents in Merton this morning and predicted he would pick up more support as voters focused on on ‘the big issues’ of the election.
Following publication of a new opinion poll by the Guardian newspaper which gave Tory candidate Boris Johnson a 1% lead on first preference votes Mr Livingstone continued in recent efforts to build a coalition of “progressive” supporters.
Livingstone said he was “particularly pleased by those, in addition to Labour supporters, who have said they are going to vote for me in the first or crucial second rounds – Jonathon Porritt, Greg Dyke, and the Green Party, for example – because these are part of the progressive majority coalition that represents London against the narrow conservative one around Boris Johnson.”
“Meeting local people in Merton today, after similar visits to Tower Hamlets, Barnet and Enfield earlier this week, helps me to talk to local people and hear their concerns on the issues that matter most to them.”