Transport for London is writing to properties in Westminster, City of London, Kensington & Chelsea, Hammersmith & Fulham, Kingston upon Thames, Wandsworth and Richmond upon Thames with details of how the games will impact on local roads and transport.
The mailing will include timings of closures during the 16 days of the Olynpics, the first time this information has been provided.
Businesses and residents living along the ORN will face disruption to journeys and deliveries, and drivers will face parking restrictions and suspension of existing parking bays.
TfL says it will “keep disruption to a minimum” and promises “all roads will be opened safely as quickly as possible after the events have finished.”
Leon Daniels, TfL’s MD Surface Transport said: “We’re working closely with London 2012 and boroughs to ensure all affected residents and businesses are informed of where and when roads will be closed or impacted on event days.
“Areas around road events will obviously be busier than usual. Drivers are urged to avoid these travel hotspot areas if at all possible, or if journeys are absolutely essential to plan ahead and allow more time. For the latest travel tips, information and advice, check out”