One London party leader Damian Hockney, who is hoping to retain his party’s two seats on the London Assembly, has warned London’s drivers that his party is the only mainstream party committed to defending the rights of London drivers and to end the war on the motorist.
“Vague pledges about ‘reform’ are not enough,” says Damian Hockney. “Motorists in London have had enough.”
Mr Hockney has been highlighting his manifesto pledge to seek to abolish the western extension and to reduce the impact of the c-charge in the central zone.
Under plans proposed by One London the Congestion Charge would be payable by Oyster card at a reduced rate with added incentives for drivers in the c-charge zone to switch to public transport. The party’s ultimate aim is to see the eventual phasing out of the charge should be phased out altogether.
“Londoners should bear in mind that the Tories have a history of attacking Labour’s policies when they’re in opposition, then keeping them once they’re in office” says Hockney. “Remember, they once promised to repeal the congestion charge. Boris Johnson now says he will ‘reform’ the c-charge, but what does that mean? Make it more efficient? Make it more profitable?
“Londoners need people on the Assembly who will keep a watch over the Mayor and make sure he spends as little of our council tax money as possible. Conservatives are highly unlikely to rein in their own Mayor, and Labour and the LibDems will only want to increase public spending. Keeping the One London Party on the Assembly will give London taxpayers that vital insurance policy.”