Sian Berry has been chosen as the Green Party’s 2016 candidate for Mayor of London in a ballot of all London party members.
Berry was one of six contenders vying for the party’s nomination and is the first candidate to be named by the four parties currently represented at City Hall. She previously stood for election as Mayor in 2008 and is currently a councillor in Camden.
Speaking after the result was announced, Berry said: “For most Londoners, including me, housing is the absolute key problem to sort out, and one that might drive us away from our city altogether.
“We must act to stop the need everyone has to put a decent roof over their heads from being exploited, and find new ways of making London truly affordable again. London belongs to all of us, and the Green campaign will work with citizens and communities all over the city to win more power for the people next May.”
In addition to being chosen as the party’s mayoral candidate she will also head up its list of candidates for the London Assembly.
Of the 25 London Assembly seats up for grabs, 14 are traditional constituencies covering two or more local council areas and 11 are allocated according to vote share. At each of the four elections since the Greater London Authority was established in 2000 the 14 constituency seats have all been won by Labour and the Conservatives.
However the ‘top up’ list element allows any party with more than 5% support across the capital to also win a seat, ensuring the Assembly better represents the capital’s political make-up.
At the 2012 City Hall election the Greens came third in both the Mayoral and Assembly contests and many figures in the party hope Berry will be able to build on that result and increase its representation on the Assembly from their current two seats.
Joining Berry on the Assembly list are Islington Councillor Caroline Russell, Jonathan Bartley and former Assembly Member Noel Lynch.