Darren Johnson, Green Party Mayoral candidate, yesterday launched his 14 point plan for disabled Londoners.
Mr Johnson called for every borough to "examine the demands of the Disabled People’s Manifesto for London and ensure that they have regular consultation with disability groups to put forward plans on how they will improve access for disabled people in public buildings."
"The London Assembly should be setting an example when in comes to employing disabled people. Under Mayor Livingstone the number of disabled employees has fallen from 3% in 2000 to 1% in 2004. I will ensure that job vacancies are advertised through organizations like GLAD (Greater London Action on Disability)"
The proposals include:
* A comprehensive advice and benefit service for older and vulnerable citizens. All Local Authorities should have a dedicated web page for disabled and vulnerable people showing access availability to public buildings and other information for disabled people
* Focused funding on providing decent local affordable sports facilities in every borough, including facilities for disabled so that sport can be available for all.
* A GLA Strategy to improve services and service-access for disabled people – drawn up with the full involvement of London’s disability groups