The Green Party’s election broadcast debuted earlier tonight on both BBC and ITV.
Unlike many broadcasts this one uses no actors, instead it film features only ‘real people’ who discuss their concerns whilst making a compelling argument for Green solutions for a more affordable London.
The party is hoping to double the numbers of members on the London Assembly from two to four, Mayoral candidate Siân Berry is fourth on the party’s list for London-wide members.
Over the past eight years since the Greater London Authority was established the Greens on the London Assembly have traded their support for the Mayor’s budget in return for investment in their favoured projects.
This strategy probably makes current Assembly Members Darren Johnson and Jenny Jones the two most influential Green politicians in the UK.
The party is hoping increased representation on the Assembly will allow them to use the same leverage in the future to deliver the policies in the broadcast which include free insulation for every home, 20p off all bus and off-peak Tube fares and the paying of a Living Wage of £7.20 per hour to all GLA staff.