Boris Johnson has presided over a year of “controversial planning decisions” according to Darren Johnson who sits on the London Assembly for the Green Party.
The Assembly Member says three of the Mayor’s planning decisions are in the running for his “worst planning decision” award. Johnson makes the award each year for the planning decision he considers to be the most damaging, the trophy is an inscripted breeze-block.
This year’s shortlist for the prize is:
Crystal Palace:
“By refusing to block the building of 180 luxury flats on a park, the Mayor has set a dangerous precedent that puts all London’s green spaces at risk.”
Ward’s Corner:
“By allowing the re-development of a much-loved local market, against the wishes of residents and traders, the Mayor has threatened the future of many small businesses.”
Queen’s Market:
“By requesting only minor changes to the incorporation of this recent finalist of the BBC’s ‘best food market’ competition into a 96-meter high tower, the Mayor failed to consider the local context and the diverse local population’s need for good quality, cheep food.”
Darren Johnson commented: “The Mayor’s first year in charge of London’s biggest planning decisions has revealed his true priorities. Despite promising to improve London’s parks and support small businesses his planning regime has often done exactly the opposite. These decisions are the clearest indication yet that Boris Johnson’s actions do not match his words.”