Fourteen Metropolitan Police officers were subject to disciplinarily action last year after being found guilty of racist behaviour.
Between January 1st and December 31st 2012, 456 allegations of racist behaviour were made against Met officers.
The total includes 398 allegations from members of the public and 78 conduct matters.
One public complaint led to an officer resigning from the force while in another case the officer concerned was subject to “management action”.
Of the remaining public complaints, 183 were found to be unsubstantiated while a further 94 were either resolved locally or withdrawn. 114 complaints are still being investigated.
Of the 78 conduct cases, 16 were substantiated leading to five dismissals, 4 officers received written warnings, 3 received final written warnings and 2 received management advice.
Twenty cases are still under investigation.
The figures were revealed in a written answer from Mayor Boris Johnson to Labour London Assembly Jennette Arnold.
Speaking last year the Mayor said he and Met Commissioner Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe “are in absolute agreement that racism within the Met, whose officers and staff are in a special position of trust, will not be tolerated.”