When voting for Mayor, Londoners are able to cast one vote for their first preference candidate and one vote for their second preference.
If no candidate secures more than 50% of the first preference votes, the two highest scoring candidates go through to a second round and all second preference votes allocated to the candidate they were cast for.
The candidate with the highest number of first and second preference votes is then elected Mayor.
The UKIP candidate for Mayor is Lawrence Webb.
Party leader Nigel Farage said: “’Ken Livingstone is dangerous and does not represent the aspirations of Old Labour at all. His comments on Islam, calling for London to be a ‘beacon for Islam’ and to spend the next four years ensuring Londoners know the teachings of Mohammed’ are divisive, opportunistic and totally unacceptable.”
Mr Farage also suggested that by voting Conservative in the London Assembly list election, voters “are more likely to end up with Greens on the assembly, which cannot be in their interests.”
Candidates for Mayor include Jenny Jones (Green party), Ken Livingstone (Labour), Lawrence Webb (UKIP) Boris Johnson (Conservative) and Brian Paddick (Liberal Democrat). A full list of candidates can be found here.
Candidates standing as London Assembly constituency members can be found here. Candidates for the 11 Assembly London-wide seats can be found here.