From today, Monday 19 June, drivers entering the Congestion Charge Zone will have an extra day to pay the charge.
The new Pay-Next-Day scheme allows drivers to pay the £8 congestion charge until midnight on the day on entry or pay £10 until midnight on the following charging day. Payments can be made either by calling 0845 900 1234 or through the congestion charge website
Announcing the changes Mayor of London, Ken Livingstone, said the scheme “has been highly effective in reducing traffic congestion” adding that the new changes would “give people an extra day to pay. If they forget to pay on the day they now have an extra day to avoid receiving a penalty charge.”
Michèle Dix, Director of Congestion Charging for Transport for London, said the changes represent “another significant enhancement to the operation of the scheme we have delivered in response to customers concerns.”
“In addition from October this year, as an incentive in advance of the go live date for the western extension, we will be offering residents who live in the area covered by the extension of the charging zone to apply for their 90 per cent discount without having to pay the registration fee.
From the time of registration, this will allow residents to travel within the existing congestion charging area at the discounted rate.”