City Hall has confirmed details of next weekend’s free event to mark Eid ul-fitr, which marks the end of Ramadan, the third such celebration held by the capital.
Performers scheduled to appear include Aa’shiq Al-Rasul, Khaleel Muhammad, who has provided backing vocals to songs by Yusuf Islam and Zain Bhikh and the Khayaal Theatre Company.
In a statement issued today, Mayor of London Boris Johnson sent “Warm and heartfelt greetings to London’s Muslim community on the occasion of Eid-ul-Fitr, as they mark the end of Ramadan.”
The Mayor said the festival, to be held on October 11th, “will bring together people from all parts of London and the world to enjoy the celebrations, whilst being reminded of universal human values such compassion and charity.”
The Eid in the Square event is organised in conjunction with Muslim organisations and supported by the Mayor’s office.