Deliveries of the official guide to this year’s election for the London Assembly and Mayor of London are now underway.
By law each of London’s 5.8 million registered voters must be provided with a booklet explaining the work of the Assembly and Mayor and containing an “easy to follow” guide on how to fill out the ballot papers.
The booklet, to which mayoral candidates must contribute £10,000 towards the cost of printing and distributing, also includes a ‘mini-manifesto’ from ten of those hoping to succeed Boris Johnson.
Two of the twelve runners, Ankit Love and Prince Zylinski, chose not to be included.
Around 400,000 booklets will be sent out every day during the next two weeks and Londoners can also view a copy online at
Large print, braille and audio versions are available on request from or call 020 7983 4444.
Greater London Returning Officer, Jeff Jacobs, said: “Londoners will soon make a choice which will affect the way their capital is run for the next four years.
“They’ll elect a Mayor with an annual budget of around £16 billion and the 25 London Assembly Members who act as the eyes and ears of Londoners, to make sure the Mayor delivers on his or her promises.
“These 26 people will make decisions which affect your everyday life in London, so look out for your booklet, which will help you make that important choice.”