Figures released by the Metropolitan Police yesterday have shown overall crime in the capital alongside a growing public confidence in the force.
According to the figures overall crime is down by 6.9% in the five months to August 2006. The same period saw a rise in the sanctioned detection rate – up to 20.1% compared to 16.6% last year.
A separate study, the MPS Public Attitude Survey, show a growing confidence in the police with 64% of those asked stating they were confident in the Met, a 11% rise since last year.
The figures were welcomed by London Mayor Ken Livingstone who called them “a testament that neighbourhood policing works.”
Livingstone also said this was “the first time for decades that the trend has reversed and seen a steady fall in crime in London” which he credit to the decision “to putting police back on the beat, back on the streets and back in our communities.”
Full figures can be found on the MPS website: