The new fleet of walk-through trains would feature air-conditioning and USB ports, allowing passengers to charge their mobile devices while travelling, and boost capacity by over 30 per cent.
How Sadiq Khan’s office hijacked Sir Robin Wales’s landlord raid for their own PR
Newham has enjoyed great success in clamping down on landlords letting out substandard homes, leading to more than 1,1000 landlords being prosecuted, but its approval to run the scheme is due to expire and the council is understandably keen to put pressure on ministers to grant a renewal.
What London’s 2nd preference votes tell us about a Progressive Alliance’s chances
With Theresa May’s Tories expected to win a landslide next month, left-leaning parties and activists are once again calling for a ‘Progressive Alliance’ to help reduce her majority and, in some cases, unseat hard Brexiteers.
TfL admits it has “much more to do” to improve Dial-A-Ride’s service and accessibility
The admission comes after publication of a London Assembly report into the performance of Dial-a-Ride, Taxicard, CapitalCall, Community Transport, NHS Patient Transport Service and Adult Social Services/Children transport services in the capital.
TfL seeks partner to restore “iconic” South Kensington Tube station
Located near the Science, Natural History and the Victoria and Albert museums, the station serves are the gateway to one of the capital’s most important and popular culture hubs.