The Christian Peoples Alliance has launched a seven point plan for London.
The party hopes to win seats on the London Assembly ‘list’ section and is standing under the slogan of “Supporting Traditional Marriage”
14 Assembly Members are elected to represent constituencies under the First Past the Post system used to elect MPs.
A further 11 are elected under a proportional representation (PR) list which ensures all parties with 5% of the vote win seats.
The CPA says its plan aims to “tackle poverty, boost relationships and help London continue to compete as the leading city of the global economy.”
Policies include supporting the London Living Wage, introducing a Family Oyster Card with a 25% discount on all fares, a target to build 33,400 new homes a year and supporting “traditional” marriage.
CPA leader Alan Craig said: “Unlike the Coalition, the CPA believes in giving marriage privileges and our policy commitments underline this. Family breakdown has doubled since 1980 and the trend is almost entirely going the wrong way. The Coalition’s proposals on gay marriage do not help.
“All successful child-bearing relationships involve marriage. 97% of intact couples with 15 year old children are married – long-term co-habitation is very rare. The cost of broken relationships is hitting children hard, with personal tragedies to the parents involved and real economic damage to society. It is time all parties backed marriage and we intend to be the first in London.”
Candidates standing as London Assembly constituency members can be found here. Candidates for the 11 Assembly London-wide seats can be found here.
Candidates for Mayor include Jenny Jones (Green party), Ken Livingstone (Labour), Lawrence Webb (UKIP) Boris Johnson (Conservative) and Brian Paddick (Liberal Democrat). A full list of candidates can be found here.