Council and police officers in the London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham have joined forces to combat burglary in the borough.
In a new initiative homeowners in some parts of the borough are being supplied with SmartWater – an invisible fluid which contains a DNA-style forensic signature – with which they can mark their valuable items. When placed under an ultraviolet light any items marked with the substance will glow, allowing police to prove the ownership of any item.
Cllr Greg Smith, Cabinet Member for Crime and Street Scene said: “The message to crooks is that the council and police are serious about cutting burglary and will use every means possible to catch thieves. New technology provides us with new opportunities to apprehend criminals and we are happy to give the police the best tools available to cut crime.”
Ultraviolet light arches have been installed in Police custody suites across the area, allowing officers to check all prisoners and recovered stolen property for traces of the solution.
Police spokesman, Inspector Ruald Coleman said: “Once offenders see this forensic technology appearing more and more they will begin to think twice about committing crime. SmartWater could be anywhere, so my message to thieves is to think twice, as they run a greatly increased risk of being identified and arrested. If SmartWater is on you or any property that you steal, you might not know about it until you walk through our custody doors.”