The London Assembly has announced plans to investigate last month’s London Elections.At last week’s meeting, the Assembly agreed to establish an Electoral Review Committee comprising of: Chair, Sally Hamwee, Deputy Chair, Len Duvall, Darren Johnson and Peter Hulme Cross.
The panel will look at several key areas including:
To what extent did Royal Mail meet its obligations to deliver ballot papers in time?
Did last June’s London Mayoral and Assembly, and European Parliament elections work for Londoners?
Could ballot papers be more voter friendly and still meet electoral rules?
In additon, the panel will review:
Voters’ experience of the election
Planning, preparation and implementation of the election
Balancing voter friendliness and meeting electoral rules
The effectiveness and value for money of the research, voter education and publicity for the elections
Lessons learned in preparation for future elections
Speaking today, Brian Coleman, Chair of the new committee, said: “Although voter turnout rose last June, Assembly Members are keen to ensure that this trend continues. We shall be reviewing the elections on the 10 June to find out how best to organise voting next time round.”