Ken Livingstone and Green Party Assembly Members have joined forces to announce details of an extra £47 million the Mayor is proposing to invest next year in green projects in the capital.
Included in the Mayor’s annual budget which is currently being debated by Assembly members are a series of measures to tackle climate change including £8 million to increase the energy performance of London’s buildings and a public information campaign to encourage Londoners to reduce CO2 emissions.
Hailing the involvement of the Green Party in London’s Government the Mayor said it was “no accident that London is leading the way on tackling climate change issues. London is the only region in the country where the Greens are an active partner and the package we are announcing today will help us maintain that leading position.”
Mayor Livingstone said tackling the effects of climate change “is the number one priority” for his administration.
Welcoming the proposals Green Party Jenny Jones said the party had “used our annual budget agreement with the Mayor to turn fine words into effective action.”
Fellow AM Darren Johnson said the proposals showed that the Mayor had “taken on board” the concerns of his party to provide “a serious framework for tackling change in London.”
Mr Johnson claimed “any Assembly Member who cares about climate change would be mad not to vote for it.”