A Barnet council scheme to distribute reconditioned computers to over 55’s has now seen a total of 101 residents provided with a PC, the council announced this week.
The initiative has attracted high levels of interest in the four months since its launch and a further 63 applicants will be presented with a computer in the coming weeks.
Barnet residents over the age of 55 were invited to apply for a PC back in summer 2008, and all applications were considered by a panel including representatives from the council and Barnet Voluntary Service Council (BVSC). Computers have been presented to all those that proved they would be able to make good use of a PC.
The scheme was the brainchild of Councillor Mike Freer, Leader of the Council. He said: “Our older residents here in Barnet have welcomed the opportunity to enter a new world of technology with open arms since our scheme launched back in 2008 and I am delighted that we have reached the landmark of 100 PCs distributed.
“It has really caught the imagination and is allowing many older residents to open up new channels of communication with friends, family and others as well as learning new skills.”
Anyone interested in applying for a computer should call 020 8364 8400 for more information.